How to Care for Newly Planted Trees: Three Tips

How to Care for Newly Planted Trees: Three Tips

At Coastal Tree Trimmers, we are proud to be the number one provider of Wilmington’s tree-planting services. Every year, our project planners and licensed arborists entertain hundreds of questions about how to care for newly planted trees, which diseases to watch out for, and which organic material is perfect for soil fertilization.

Experienced gardeners want to know about the ideal soil moisture levels in various seasons. Newbies often worry about the correct amount of water per week to feed newly planted trees. Below, our arborists outline everything you need to know about ensuring your seedling grows into a healthy tree.

For more precise information about your unique planting conditions, call our 24/7 hotline at (910) 599-2565, and get a free consultation. Growing a healthy tree does not merely add value to your real estate. It creates a source of shade, fresh air, and stress relief for your local community.

Coastal Tree Trimmers, emergency tree services, tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, land clearing, lot clearing, tree planting service

1. Avoid Under or Overwatering

It is common knowledge that trees require a lot of water to maintain a healthy life. However, giving them too much or too little will sap their oxygen and nutrient supplies, causing them to grow stunted, wilted, or develop root decay.

Here are a few tips our arborists follow to ensure they do not under or overwater:

  • The root ball of your new tree must be moist but not dripping or soaked.
  • We sprinkle water on the planting area or the root ball, avoiding the bark and leaves.
  • We use ten to 15 gallons of water weekly, irrigating every two or three days.
  • Trees with a trunk over two inches in diameter at chest height require more water per week.

2. Use Mulch Properly

Mulch allows gardeners to maintain stable soil moisture levels, ensuring water and nutrients are available to their trees even with excessive or nonexistent rainfall and humidity. Here is how to care for newly planted trees with mulch:

  • Organic compost mixes, pine needles, and wood chips are the best type of mulch for improving soil fertility.
  • Arborists recommend applying them at least five inches away from the trunk base.
  • Apply two to four inches every mid-to-late spring.
  • Break up matted mulch with a potato hoe to prevent them from becoming hydrophobic.

3. Fertilize and Prune

We do not recommend fertilizing your trees until they pass their first growing season, usually 12 to 15 months after germination. According to the University of New Hampshire, newly planted trees can not absorb phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium until they develop a root system. As such, fertilizing too early might inhibit natural root growth.

Light pruning is recommended on a case-by-case basis, like if your new tree develops broken or dead branches. Pruning becomes essential later on to ensure it grows a balanced canopy and evenly-spaced branches.

Get Help from Tree Care Professionals

For more advice on how to care for newly planted trees, how to hire a tree care service, or when to use tree wrap, call our Coastal Tree Trimmers team at (910) 599-2565, and get a free consultation.



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